Repeat Prescription Order Via NHS App / Login

This way you can control and track your prescription requests. You can use a computer or laptop with your NHS login, or you can download the NHS App on your smartphone or tablet.

NHS app  - Repeat Prescription Ordering

How to order a repeat prescription - NHS


Did you know if you are stable on your medications you could opt into eRD (Electronic Repeat Dispensing)?  This means that you would only need to order a prescription every 6 - 12 months dependent on the medication.  If you would like this Electronic Repeat Dispensing scheme to be set up, please indicate it clearly in this medication review form:


Please allow 3 full working days for us to complete your request. 


If your medication review is due, please use this form:


The Practice can accept repeat prescription requests from patients 2 weeks before you run out of your medication, not earlier than 6 weeks after your previous issue.


If you are going on holiday or you have special circumstances why you may need your medication early, you can make a comment on your request and the Prescribing Team will take this into consideration.